Filosofisk Film/Philosophical Films
These pages present a number of
ongoing documentary sound & picture projects – some serious, some
just for fun. The first and the
two last of the film projects have been pursued in cooperation
with the University of Gothenburg.
I also run a video site at Vimeo.
However, most of the Vimeo movies (and some others) are also embedded
on this site.
Many early movie clips were filmed with a
tape-based Canon HV-20, HV-40, XH-A1s or XL-H1A camera. For birds, I often
added a Canon FD(L) 100-300 zoom lens to the XL-H1A, which gives it an
equivalent focal length of up to some 2.100 mm. Many thanks
to Toshikazu Muramatsu, Nagoya, Japan, for finding this excellent
lens! In 2015, I started filming with a micro 4/3 DSLR
camera, the Panasonic GH4. For birding purposes, an Olympus Zuiko
Digital ED 50-200 lens with a 2x teleadapter was added, resulting
in an equivalent focal length of up to 1.600 mm. Again,
my friend Toshikazu found this one. A Panasonic GH5 was later
added to the equipment together with two high quality
Panasonic-Leica zoom lenses. Since 2021 I also use the fixed-focus
Olympus M. Zuiko Digital 300/4,0 IS Pro with an Olympus MC-20 2x
teleconverter, giving an equivalent focal length of 2.400 mm.
The sounds of the Mastersingers were (if not otherwise stated)
captured using a Telinga Pro 5W
with a stereo DAT microphone,
and some of them were recorded on a Sony mini-disk or Zoom H2 (now
H2n) digital recorder. The Telinga device has also been used together
with the XL-H1A, XH-A1s, GH4 and GH5 with the sound recorded directly
on the HDV tape/on the memory card. Ingvar Johansson at JOPRO, Alafors
helped me construct and build a special tripod
mount that can host several devices, for example two cameras, an
external monitor and (in calm weather) the parabolic mic. I
have received continuous technical support by Klas and Jon
Strandberg at Telinga, thank you for that! The
stereo DAT mic was recently renovated and is now like new.
For video editing, I still
mainly use Final Cut Pro Classic, i.e. FCP7, today on a 2011 iMac with
an SSD disc and OSX 10.12.6. On FCP7 editing today, go here
(text in English; Swedish version forthcoming).
The web editing was cumbersome
in the beginning but has recently become easy with BlueGriffon
v.3.01, that runs on most 64 bit Mac systems on OSX 10.8 and up.
All sounds on the Mastersingers page are
coded using the HTML5 <audio> command. Take care that the
Mastersingers page is fully loaded before you run any of the
pure sound files. Else, the browser may become confused.
The movies are shown here as embedded
files, which creates problems for some older web browsers:
– The embedded Vimeo movies do not work
with Safari 5.1.10 under MacOSX 10.6.8. Regrettably, this problem cannot
be fixed. However, the Mastersinger sounds work.
– Everything, both audio and video links, works with Firefox 44+ under
MacOSX 10.6.8, but the Quicktime 7.5 (or later) plugin may have to be
installed and activated.
– The same seems to hold for Firefox under Windows 7.
Newer Mac systems:
– Everything seems to work fine with
Safari and Firefox (latest possible version) under Mac OSX 10.10.5 and
For both browsers you may have to check
that there is an active Quicktime plugin.
I do not know what works and what doesn't with other newer browsers and/or
operative systems, and am happy for any feedback about this.
More acknowledgements:
Karlsson kindly gave my many good beginner's advices. Without the
generous help, criticism and support that
Torgny Nordin has provided and continues to
provide, most of my work would just not have been possible. Since
early 2013 I am an associate member of Naturfilmarna,
something that of course is of great help in my projects. Among
Naturfilmarna, Björn Obenius has contributed a lot of constructive
criticism. Several other people have given invaluable advice, also
concerning birdsong where I especially want to mention Ulf Elman and
the late Patrik Åberg. Larry Jordan's advice on video editing has been
very helpful. Finally, Daniel Ruhe's computer-related technical
comments and tips have often saved my day, and I am very grateful for
The Captain