The first video this year is from an excursion to Sicily around May 1st. The Pied Avocet (skärfläcka) has long legs but they are nothing compared to those of its close relative, the Blackwinged Stilt (styltlöpare). Here is a very short clip from between Trapani and Marsala on 1 May 2018. Panasonic GH5 with Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50-200 + 2x teleconverter. This was not an easy task since the bird moves fast and in unforeseeable ways! More from this journey to come.

In the following collage you see some whinchats (buskskvättor) in different seasons: first one just about to leave Marettimo west of Sicily on 30 April 2018; then a family (I think) near Hålanda in mid-June 2017 (where you also hear an osprey); then one singing in our Hålanda garden in mid-June 2018. Panasonic GH4/GH5 with Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50-200 + 2x teleconverter, Telinga Pro 5W with Stereo DAT mic. The first clip from the third occasion, here from 0:35 to 1:05, was however recorded without the Telinga device so all the background "noise" from rural activities is heard too.  Finally one sitting on a thistle among high grass in August 2012, warning its offspring – the sound that one so often hears in the right kind of landscape.


Then a bird that I have long wanted to film and quite unexpectedly ran into during a walk in the mountains: A Gyr falcon (Falco rusticolus, sv.: jaktfalk), most probably near its nest, somewhere in northern Lappland in early July 2018. Camera: Handheld Panasonic GH4 with Olympus M.Zuiko Pro 12-40/2.8 lens, distance 150–200 m. The gyr falcon has a wing span of around 120 cm and is one of the fastest fliers of all birds. The flight parts were filmed at an effective focal length of 160 mm and upscaled with a factor of 2, so don't try to see the movie at more than 720p. The inbuilt mic was used without any wind shield, and the wind noise regrettably makes it impossible to hear the bird's characteristic call on the video.

And now, a true rarity. This little beauty visited Hålanda on August 7–8, 2018. In the background of the first scene: Hålsjön. My wife and I first thought it was a Snow Goose (snögås, blå form) and reported it as such, but we have since then learnt that it is a Snow Goose x Bar-headed Goose hybrid (hybrid mellan snögås och stripgås).

First part: Handheld Panasonic GH4 with Olympus M.Zuiko Pro 12-40/2.8 lens, inbuilt microphone. Second part: GH5 with Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50-200 + 2x teleconverter, Telinga Pro 5W with Stereo DAT mic. 

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