Differences between Bohm and R-PAS
the previous page I listed six ways in which CS differs from Bohm's
system. Something very like the five first points hold for the
comparison between Bohm and R-PAS too, and I will not repeat them since
the problems they pose can rather easily be overcome. Above all, they do
not hinder proper comparisons between protocols from the different
traditions. Just one point: noting response
time and reaction time
can easily be added to the R-PAS (or CS) administration procedure. See
next page for a reason to do it.
are the more problematic issues:
6. Real contradictions — for example, conflicting rules for scoring movement, and (even worse) incompatible administration routines.
The R-PAS rules for scoring M are more allowing than Rorschach and Bohm:
"M includes all types of human activity, experience, sensation, and
emotion, including /.../ "dreaming," "feeling sad," "thinking,"/.../". So
the coupling to kinaesthetic engrams as hypothesized by
Rorschach is very loose. But this fact does not make it impossible to
compare R-PAS and classical protocols. You just have to re-score one of
them with respect to M.
With the "R-optimized" procedures for administration, R-PAS has distanced itself even further from classical systems such as Bohm's. The following is a quote from the paper by Meyer and Eblin that summarizes the R-PAS manual: "When CS administration guidelines are used, the respondent is able to give either very few responses (14 is a minimum) or a large and unwieldy number of responses (e.g., 60 or more). /.../ Using R-Optimized procedures, examiners initially tell the respondent they would like them to give two or maybe three responses for each card. If the respondent then goes on to provide only one response on a card the examiner prompts for a second (but does not require one to be given) and, if the respondent spontaneously provides four responses to a card, the examiner thanks them and asks for the card back. In both instances, the examiner also provides a reminder of the instructions. /.../ Using R-Optimized administration, examiners can expect a typical minimum of 17 responses and an absolute maximum of 40 responses, though the latter would be very unusual".
These rules were not introduced without reasons. "Too
few responses
causes concerns about the sensitivity of the protocol
to detect problems /.../
and too many responses
can lead to an excess of administration and scoring
time and potential overpathologizing
of respondents /.../;
both extremes lead to lower stabilityin
are some disadvantages. Cutting R at 40 and aiming at not more than 4
responses per card may among other things hide a person's pathologically
raised productivity either generally or on certain cards.
importantly: the main drawback of not allowing R under 17 is that low R
is as such a polyvalent sign of pathology. It can for example signal
organic disorder, schizophrenia, or affect shyness of phobic or other
origin. Specifically, "R = 15 or below" is an important sign of
organicity in Piotrowski's and Bohm's system (and is valid as such
according to my own research). The same holds by the way for long
response and reaction times.
The present author's suggestion for a remedy is to change the R-PAS R-optimized procedure into a Doubly R-optimized procedure as follows:
1) Administrate the test once according to the essence of Bohm's rules.
I.e. just prompt very gently, do not abort the procedure if the subject
rejects a card, and do not stop the subject before some 10 responses have
been given on a card. Then we have a spontaneous Rorschach as Rorschach
envisaged it.
2) Re-administer the test according to the R-optimized procedure. Then we
also have a Rorschach that lends itself better to certain kinds of
mathematical and statistical procedures, including pooling data from
different Rorschachers, and so is more scientific in a narrow but
legitimate sense.
This is of course not going to happen in my lifetime, but in the said
lifetime it is how I am going to do R-PAS.
P. Fontan & J.S. Smith (2018), A Critical Review of R-PAS, Symposium conducted at the Society for Personality Assessment 2018 Annual Convention (SPA 2018), Washington DC, USA.
Meyer, G. J., Viglione, D. J., Mihura, J. L., Erard, R. E. & Erdberg, P. (2011). Rorschach Performance Assessment System: Administration, coding, interpretation, and technical manual. Toledo: Rorschach Performance Assessment System.
G. Meyer & J. Eblin, (2012), An Overview of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). Psychological Injury and Law 5, 107–121.
Mihura, J. L., Meyer, G. J., Dumitrascu, N., & Bombel, G. (2013). The validity of Individual Rorschach Variables: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the comprehensive system. Psychological Bulletin 139 (3), 584–605.
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Page updated 2020–04-12 by Helge Malmgren