Den 3:e juli 2024 var en vacker men blåsig sommardag. Vi filmade en grupp kentska tärnor, men här medverkar också en strandskata, en gravand, ett antal skrattmåsar, en storspov, två skärfläckor, en kärrsnäppa, tre svarttärnor och tre brushanar. Detaljer finns i den engelska texten:

A flock of Sandwich terns (kentska tärnor) and some other birds on a sunny but windy afternoon. Morups Tånge, Halland, July 3, 2024. First, one hears the characteristic sound of the terns. Then a lonely Eurasian Oystercatcher (strandskata) is seen at a distance, digging up sandworms. The Swedish name of the Common Shelduck is Gravand because of its ability to dig (gräva) big holes. It makes the best of this ability today. The Black-headed Gull (skrattmås) tries a similar method while the Eurasian Curlew (storspov) mainly uses his magnificient beak. Two Pied Avocets (skärfläckor) just rest.

The scene changes and the rest of the film focuses on the sandwich terns.

First a group of three adult terns rest together with some Black-headed Gulls. These two species tend to seek one another's company. They may in some situations be difficult to distinguish; however, the terns usually do not swim. Then feeding time starts. One adult bird comes flying in from the left and approaches its partner. After a short talk both fly away. In the next scene one of the adults feeds an eager young. Sorry for the shaky camera and the different white balance in this clip.

The clips that follow were shot with an MFT telephoto lens + magnifier, corresponding to a full-frame focal length of 2.400 mm. Here I also used a Telinga parabola, which makes it possible to hear the bird sounds against the noisy background.

An adult bird and its two children clean their feathers when three Black Terns (svarttärnor) arrive. Two land in the water, but only one of them stays and is then seen swimming. Next, three Ruffs (brushanar) fly in and the last of them lands very near the adult tern. The tern shows in clear gestures that the ruff is not welcome.

Finally, just after a Dunlin (kärrsnäppa) has walked by, we can see and hear a very loud feeding ceremony at close-up. Surprisingly, the ceremony does not end with the youngster getting any food. Instead, the adult that came with the fish flies away with it in its beak, after an animated discussion with its partner. The latter seems a little annoyed, but this may be an over-interpretation.

Camera: Panasonic GH-5, first with a Panasonic-Leica 50–200 mm, 2x magnifier and inbuilt 2x magnification, then with an Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 300mm f/4,0 IS PRO, also magnified x 4. Sound: first inbuilt microphone, then a Telinga Pro 5W with StereoDat mic and windscreen.


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I juli 2014 vandrade jag i Vålådalsfjällen och hittade ett av människor sällan besökt område. Se https://captainmnemo.se/audiovisual/songs/birdvideos_2014.html#Top, film nr 3. Under våren 2024 tog jag tag i det gamla materialet igen, utvidgde filmen med några klipp från senare tillfällen, lade till tal och använde moderna instrument för att förbättra bilden. Här nedan hittar man resultatet. Kamera: Canon XH-A1s (2014), Panasonic GH4 (2016, 2020). Ljud: Inbyggd mikrofon omväxlande med Telinga ProW, StereoDAT mikrofon och parabol.


In July 2014 I made a solo trip to the mountains near Vålådalen, Jämtland. I found a place that is seldom visited by humans. See https://captainmnemo.se/audiovisual/songs/birdvideos_2014.html#Top, film no. 3. Early in 2024 I started reworking the movie, adding a voice and material from later occasions, and using modern techniques for improving the video. Here is the result. There is no English talk yet, but there are many maps that show my path. Camera: Canon XH-A1s (2014), Panasonic GH4 (2016, 2020). Sound: Inbuilt microphone alternating with Telinga ProW, StereoDAT microphone and parabola.


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Updated December 16, 2024